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Aboriginal Business Service Network

The BC ABSN is a collective of Aboriginal Business Service Provicers in British Columbia who enhance access to business information and resources.

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ABSN GAP Analysis


ABSN Background on the Gap Analysis

Aboriginal Business Network Society (ABSN) is an initiative of the Federal Government Aboriginal Business Development Strategy. In 2001, the Community Economic Development Centre and Simon Fraser University (SFU) completed a Gap analysis on "Assessing The Business Information Needs of Aboriginal Entrepreneurs in British Columbia".

A three year action plan was developed from the 2001 gap analysis which included hiring an ABSN coordinator, developing REACH Sites throughout the Province, a workbook on Aboriginal Business Development and a variety of other tools – intended as capacity development tools for Aboriginal Business Development Officers.

For more information on the 2001 Gap Analysis - view the following files:

Update - November, 2011

On behalf of the Aboriginal Business Services Network Society, Eagle Spirit Community Solutions is conducting research on the needs of Aboriginal entrepreneurs in British Columbia. The research will be used to ensure that services offered to Aboriginal people are timely, relevant, and effective.

All the information that you provide in the survey (including your email address) will be kept in strict confidence by the research team. By beginning the survey, you are indicating you understand and accept the above.

The outcome of this research will be a report on ways in which Aboriginal organizations and governments can best serve Aboriginal entrepreneurs. The report will also include an inventory of organizations and services for Aboriginal entrepreneurs in British Columbia. The final report will be available in hard copy, and will also be available on the web site of the Aboriginal Business Services Network Society (

If you have any questions about the survey, please feel free to contact Veronica Creyke, of Eagle Spirit Community Solutions, at 250-957-4373, vcreyke[at], or Marie Baptiste, of the Aboriginal Business Services Network, at (250) 828-9834 or marie[at]

Thank you for your contribution to this important research.

EagleSpiritSolutions[at] OR
FAX IT TO 250-957-4373.

Special thanks to Vancity Centre and Aboriginal Business Canada - Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development for their financial contributions to this project.

Update - September, 2011

The Aboriginal Business Service Network is pleased to announce that it has contracted with Eagle Spirit Community Solutions to update the 2001 Gap Analysis. Eagle Spirit Community Solutions will be working in partnership with the University of Northern BC - Community Development Institute & Simon Fraser University - Centre for Sustainable Community Development. The Eagle Spirit Community Solutions Project Team includes:

The Gap analysis is to "Assess the Business Information Needs of Aboriginal Entrepreneurs in British Columbia". From this work there will be four reports generated, as follows:

In order to complete this work Team members will be interviewing service providers and Aboriginal entrepreneurs. ABSN encourages each and every organization to actively participate in the surveys and other project activities.

ABSN also encourages Aboriginal entrepreneurs to complete the survey questionnaires that will be developed and to engage in the focus groups that will be hosted by different communities in the province. It is anticipated that the Gap Analysis Study and recommendations will provide useful guidance for the future of services and supports to Aboriginal entrepreneurs.

In May, 2011 ABSN formed the "Gap Analysis Steering Committee" (GASC) consisting of volunteer Aboriginal business providers from Aboriginal Capital Corporations, Community Futures offices and Business Development Centres, along with Provincial and Federal representatives, to create a comprehensive and integrated strategy to support the growth and development of Aboriginal Business.

The members of the GASC are as follows:

The report must be completed by February 29, 2012